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deddynoer: High Traffic Zone

High Traffic Zone’ adalah lokasi favorit pelanggan broadband Indosatm2 dalam melakukan aktivitas internet. Pada lokasi-lokasi ‘High Traffic Zone’, aktivitas internet cenderung sangat tinggi, sehingga pada periode waktu tertentu menyebabkan koneksi di lokasi-lokasi tersebut mengalami penurunan kualitas signal.
‘High Traffic Zone’ is the favorite locations of Indosatm2 broadband user where they regularly access internet. At High Traffic Zone’ locations, internet activities tend to be very high, thus it will result a lower signal quality at certain period of time.
Berikut adalah beberapa kendala yang akan dialami pengguna broadband Indosatm2 di lokasi-lokasi ‘High TrafficZone’ :
Some impacts that indosatm2 broadband user might experience at ‘High traffic Zone’ locations are:
1. Kesulitan koneksi walau kualitas signal yang di terima baik.
Unable to connect despite of full signal strength.
2. Dapat melakukan koneksi dengan penerimaan signal yang baik, namun tidak dapat melakukan aktivitas internet, seperti browsing, chatting, download
Able to obtain connection with good signal strength, without being able to perform internet activities, such as browsing, chatting, download.
3. Penurunan kecepatan koneksi / low throughput.
Lowering connection speed / low throughput.

Untuk meningkatkan kualitas, kami tengah melakukan program penambahan kapasitas pada lokasi favorit tersebut yang dilakukan secara bertahap. Demi kenyamanan berinternet, untuk sementara kami menyarankan agar pengguna broadband Indosatm2 menghindari lokasi-lokasi High Traffic Zone, terutama pada pukul 08:00 s/d 12:00 dan 19:00 s/d 22:00. Pastikan anda senantiasa melakukan pengecekan High Traffic Zone di halaman ini. Informasi lokasi BTS akan selalu kami update secara rutin.
To improve the service quality, right now we are in the process of adding more capacity at these locations gradually. For your internet convenience, in the mean time we highly recommend you to avoid obtaining internet connection at these locations, especially during peak hour between 08:00 to 12:00 a.m and 07:00 to 10:00 p.m. Please be sure you always get the updated list of High Traffic Zone provided in this page. We will regularly renew the information.

High Traffic Zone meliputi area-area yang berada disekitar lokasi BTS dibawah ini.
High Traffic Zone covers areas around thefollowing BTS locations:

* Jakarta
* Bandung
* Jogjakarta
* Semarang
* Batam
* Denpasar
* Surabaya
* Malang
* Medan
* Palembang