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Kronologi Kasus Penyidikan Kasus Chandra & Bibit

Kepala Polri Jenderal (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri membantah kepolisian telah melakukan rekayasa dalam penyidikan pimpinan KPK nonaktif, Chandra M Hamzah dan Bibit S Riyanto, seperti dalam pemberitaan. Ia menegaskan akan menindak jika ada anggotanya yang melakukan pelanggaran dalam penyidikan.

"Tidak benar kita lakukan rekayasa, kriminalisasi. Saya akan tindak apa pun jabatannya, jika merekayasa penyidikan," tegas dia saat jumpa pers di Mabes Polri Jakarta, Jumat (30/10).

Dalam kesempatan itu, Kapolri menjelaskan proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan pimpinan KPK nonaktif itu. Penjelasan itu atas perintah Presiden agar Kapolri memberikan penjelasan secara gamblang kepada publik mengenai kasus itu.
Kapolri menjelask
an, kasus bermula saat Antasari membuat testimoni tentang penerimaan uang sebesar Rp 6,7 miliar oleh sejumlah pimpinan KPK pada 16 mei 2009. Saat itu Antasari sedang ditahan atas kasus dugaan pembunuhan Direktur PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran Nasrudin Zulkarnaen.

Karena testimoni tidak ditindak lanjuti polisi, Antasari lalu membuat laporan resmi pada 6 Juli 2009 mengenai dugaan suap itu di Polda Metro Jaya. Laporan itu kemudian dilimpahkan ke Mabes Polri, lalu dilanjutkan ke penyelidikan dan penyidikan.

Dalam proses lidik dan sidik, kata Kapolri, pada 7 Agustus 2009 diperoleh fakta adanya tindak pidana penyalahgunaan wewenang oleh dua tersangka yang melanggar Pasal 21 Ayat 5 UU No 30 Tahun 2002 tentang KPK.

Saat penyidikan, ditemukan keputusan pencekalan dan pencabutan pencekalan yang dilakukan oleh kedua tersangka tidak secara kolektif. Pencekalan terhadap Anggoro Widjojo dilakukan oleh Chandra Hamzah, pencekalan terhadap Joko Tjandra oleh Bibit S Riyanto, serta pencabutan pencekalan terhadap Joko Tjandra oleh Chandra Hamzah.

Kemudian, dari hasil penyidikan kasus pencekalan terhadap Anggoro ditemukan adanya aliran dana. Temuan itu kemudian dituangkan dalam laporan polisi pada 25 Agustus 2009.

Dalam kasus dugaan pemerasan, penyidik telah melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap saksi-saksi dan alat bukti lain. Sedangkan sangkaan penyalahgunaan wewenang, penyidik telah memeriksa sebanyak 22 saksi serta
saksi ahli dan ditemukan beberapa dokumen. Pasal yang disangkakan adalah Pasal 23 UU No 31 Tahun 1999 Jo Pasal 421.

Dari alat bukti, keterangan saksi, dan saksi ahli didapat empat alat bukti. Lalu pada tanggal 15 September 2009 pukul 23.20, dua pimpinan KPK nonaktif itu ditingkatkan statusnya dari saksi menjadi tersangka. Pada 2 Oktober 2009, berkas perkara Chandra Hamzah dikirimkan ke Kejaksaan dan berkas Bibit S Riyanto dikirimkan pada 9 Oktober.

Kemudian, penyidik melakukan penahanan pada 29 Oktober 2009 karena kedua tersangka melakukan tindakan mempersulit jalannya pemeriksaan dengan menggiring opini publik melalui pernyataan-pernyataan di media serta forum diskusi.

"Mereka menggiring opini adanya rekayasa penyidikan yang merujuk pada transkrip rekaman. Dengan demikian, karena sudah ganggu penyidikan kita lakukan penahanan," paparnya.

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Sejuta Dukungan buat Bibit S Rianto & Chandra M Hamzah

”Tuhan tidak tidur Saudaraku. Dia pasti selalu melindungi hamba-Nya yang bekerja untuk keadilan dan kebenaran. Doa kami selalu menyertai setiap langkah kebenaran yang kalian tempuh.”

Doa itu disampaikan Wendi Citra, seorang facebookers—sebutan untuk pengguna jejaring internet Facebook—kepada Wakil Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) (nonaktif) Bibit Samad Rianto dan Chandra M Hamzah.

Saya tak mengenal Wendi sebelumnya. Namun, saat kemudian saya kirim pesan untuk meminta izin memasukkan testimoninya dalam tulisan ini, dengan cepat dia mengatakan, ”Setuju sekali.”

Wendi lalu mengirim pesan lagi, ”Terlepas benar tidaknya tuduhan itu, saya percaya mereka (Bibit dan Chandra) adalah orang baik dan lurus. Kasus itu saya rasa adalah sebuah skenario upaya untuk menyembunyikan kasus besar agar publik tidak akan pernah mengetahuinya karena KPK disibukkan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.”

Testimoni Wendi itu hanya satu dari puluhan ribu pernyataan yang termuat di ”Gerakan 1.000.000 Facebookers Dukung Chandra Hamzah & Bibit Samad Rianto”. Sejak dibuat oleh facebookers dari Jambi, Usman Yasin, pada Kamis (29/10) sekitar pukul 14.45, hingga Jumat kemarin pukul 21.20 sebanyak 52.195 orang memberikan dukungan. Angkanya terus bertambah dalam bilangan detik.

Beberapa pesan dikirim dari luar negeri, misalnya dari Dina Faoziah yang mengatakan, ”Prihatin terhadap penggebukan ’cicak-cicak’ antikorupsi oleh ’buaya’.” Ia turut mendukung dari sudut Tokyo, Jepang.

Mahasiswi program doktor di Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology asal Semarang itu mengaku geram dengan apa yang dilakukan polisi terhadap KPK. ”Saya kira mahasiswa waras mana pun akan mendukung Bibit dan Chandra kalau masih peduli Indonesia,” katanya.

Yon Daryono, mahasiswa program Master International Communication Management, The Hague University, Den Haag, Belanda, mengirim pesan, ”Pokoke lawan buaya-buaya pelindung koruptor. Dukungan soko Belanda.”

Daryono mengisahkan lebih lanjut, ”Polisi di Indonesia enggak pernah serius menegakkan supremasi hukum. Belanda yang pernah menjajah kita saja sudah jauh lebih manusiawi. Contoh kecil, polisi Belanda justru sangat takut dilaporkan balik oleh orang karena dianggap telah melanggar hukum.”

Yon bercerita tentang imigran gelap asal Indonesia di Belanda. ”Waktu itu dia tertangkap dan diborgol. Pas dibuka kulitnya lecet. Si polisi takut sekali dan langsung mencari cream untuk mengobatinya. Ada juga imigran gelap yang tertangkap dan kebetulan dia punya cincin emas. Pas dipulangkan ke Indonesia, cincin itu dikira mau disita sehingga diserahkan temanku. Eh, polisinya menolak.”

Tidak hanya mahasiswa. Esti Veronika, facebookers yang juga ibu rumah tangga dengan dua anak dari Cikarang, Bekasi, mengatakan, ”Saya menjadi ragu dengan pemerintah sekarang. Padahal, pada pemilu lalu saya memilih Pak SBY. Mana janji Bapak untuk memberantas korupsi?”

”Kami enggak bisa dibohongi lagi. Kami tahu sekarang bahwa yang benar disalahkan dan yang salah dibenarkan. Hati kami bicara, Pak Bibit dan Chandra tidak salah,” kata Johana, karyawati swasta yang juga facebookers dari Lampung.

Spontanitas rakyat

Para facebookers ini mewakili sebagian suara rakyat. Siapa sesungguhnya di balik ”gerakan” ini? ”Saya rakyat biasa yang marah dengan kemungkaran di negeri ini,” kata Usman Yasin, yang membuat dan menjadi pengelola ”Gerakan 1.000.000 Facebookers Dukung Chandra Hamzah & Bibit Samad Rianto”.

Usman Yasin adalah dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi yang juga mahasiswa program doktor di Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kamis siang itu dia baru saja mengikuti ujian doktoral.

”Saya menyalakan televisi untuk melepas lelah setelah ujian. Namun, saya justru melihat berita Pak Bibit dan Chandra ditahan. Hati saya tak tahan lagi dengan ulah lembaga penegak hukum. Saya pikir mereka sewenang-wenang,” katanya.

Lalu, secara spontan, Usman Yasin pun membuat akun gerakan dukungan di jejaring sosial Facebook. ”Saya bukan anggota partai, juga bukan politisi. Saya juga tidak kenal dengan Pak Bibit dan Chandra, tetapi hati saya mengatakan mereka berani dan benar,” ujarnya lagi.

Apa tak takut ditangkap karena mengkritik penguasa? ”Saya siap dipanggil. Tetapi, ini murni suara dari rakyat. Suara ini tidak bisa dibungkam,” kata Usman Yasin.

Dalam pengantarnya di gerakan sejuta dukungan itu, Usman Yasin menulis, ”Bersalah atau tidak, kita yang berada di luar sistem mungkin merasa terganggu dengan kejadian demi kejadian yang menimpa Chandra dan Bibit. Bukan tidak mungkin kasus semacam ini seperti gunung es. Sesungguhnya mungkin banyak Chandra dan Bibit yang lain yang juga mengalami nasib sama.”

”Sebagai anak bangsa, kami mencintai KPK. Untuk itu mari kita dukung Chandra dan Bibit dalam grup ini. Kita namakan Gerakan Satu Juta Facebookers Dukung Chandra dan Bibit. Ayo kirim semua teman kita, kejar target 1.000.000 facebookers,” tulis Usman Yasin.

Tak hanya Usman Yasin, sejumlah kelompok masyarakat juga membuat semacam posko dukungan bagi Bibit dan Chandra. Misalnya, alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (UI) dan aktivis Ezki Suyanto juga menggalang dukungan.

Kampanye aksi alumni UI itu juga beredar di Facebook. ”Untuk Ikatan Alumni (Iluni) UI. Surat Permohonan Penangguhan Penahanan Pance (Chandra Hamzah) akan diantar Senin, 3 November 2009, ke Mabes Polri, dikoordinir Dr Chandra Motik dan Herry Hernawan SH. Teman-teman alumni UI diimbau ikut serta dengan dasar ’Membezoek Alumni UI’. Untuk Iluni Fakultas Teknik (FT) UI harap bubuhkan tanda tangan dukungan di Sekretariat Iluni FT UI Salemba, buka 24 jam. Saatnya satukan langkah, gandeng tangan teguhkan nurani. Salam Makara.”

Gerakan sudah digalang rakyat. Akankah mampu mengetuk rasa keadilan penguasa?

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Kapolri: Saya Tindak Tegas kalau Lakukan Rekayasa

Kepala Polri Jenderal (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri membantah kepolisian telah melakukan rekayasa dalam penyidikan pimpinan KPK nonaktif, Chandra M Hamzah dan Bibit Samad Rianto, seperti dalam pemberitaan. Ia menegaskan akan menindak jika ada anggotanya yang melakukan pelanggaran dalam penyidikan.

"Tidak benar kita lakukan rekayasa, kriminalisasi. Saya akan tindak apa pun jabatannya, jika merekayasa penyidikan," tegas dia saat jumpa pers di Mabes Polri Jakarta, Jumat (30/10) petang tadi.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Kapolri menjelaskan proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan pimpinan KPK nonaktif itu. Penjelasan itu atas perintah Presiden agar Kapolri memberikan penjelasan secara gamblang kepada publik.

Kapolri menjelaskan, kasus bermula saat Antasari membuat testimoni tentang penerimaan uang sebesar Rp 6,7 miliar oleh sejumlah pimpinan KPK. Karena testimoni tidak ditanggapi polisi, Antasari lalu membuat laporan mengenai dugaan suap itu dan kemudian polisi melakukan penyelidikan dan penyidikan.

Dalam proses lidik dan sidik, kata dia, diperoleh fakta tindak pidana penyalahgunaan wewenang oleh dua tersangka. Pencekalan dan pencabutan pencekalan terhadap Djoko Chandra serta pencekalan terhadap Anggoro tidak dilakukan secara kolektif oleh dua tersangka.

Mengenai kasus pemerasan, tambah Kapolri, telah dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap saksi-saksi dan alat bukti lain. Sedangkan sangkaan penyalahgunaan wewenang, telah diperiksa sebanyak 22 orang serta saksi ahli.

"Dilihat dari alat bukti, keterangan saksi, dan saksi ahli didapat empat alat bukti. Lalu dua pimpinan itu ditingkatkan statusnya dari saksi menjadi tersangka," ucapnya.

Kemudian, tambah Kapolri, penahanan dilakukan karena dua tersangka melakukan tindakan mempersulit jalannya pemeriksaan dengan menggiring opini publik melalui pernyataan-pernyataan di media serta forum diskusi. "Mereka menggiring opini adanya rekayasa penyidikan yang merujuk pada transkip rekaman. Dengan demikian, karena sudah ganggu penyidikan kita lakukan penahanan," paparnya.

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Kontroversi Rencana Pembukaan Rekaman Dalam Sidang Mahkamah Konstitusi

Kuasa hukum Bibit Samad Rianto dan Chandra M Hamzah menilai ada kekuatan untuk menghalang-halangi rencana pembukaan rekaman pembicaraan dalam sidang Mahkamah Konstitusi, pekan depan.

”Itu sebuah strategi. Dia (Anggodo) pintar dan jadi bagian proses yang berjalan. Kenapa dia masuk sekarang? Itu sebagai respons serangan balik karena rekaman mau dibuka,” kata Bambang Widjojanto, kuasa hukum Bibit dan Chandra, di Jakarta, Jumat (30/10). Hal itu disampaikan Bambang menyikapi laporan Anggodo Widjojo, adik Anggoro Widjojo, ke kepolisian.

Anggodo Widjojo melaporkan empat pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) ke Markas Besar Polri atas tudingan penyalahgunaan wewenang, pencemaran nama baik, dan fitnah. Pelaporan dilakukan menyusul beredarnya rekaman yang diduga berisi upaya rekayasa kasus pimpinan KPK.

Ahmad Rivai, anggota kuasa hukum Bibit dan Chandra, mengatakan, semua pihak dituntut untuk kembali menata komitmennya dalam penegakan hukum. ”Jika nanti rekamannya dibuka di Mahkamah Konstitusi, semua yang terlibat harus diusut,” kata Rivai.

Secara terpisah, Saldi Isra, pengajar hukum tata negara Universitas Andalas, Padang, mengatakan, ”Rekaman itu harus diperdengarkan dalam sidang terbuka. Selama ini tak ada tradisi sidang tertutup di MK.”

Serangan balik

Walau mengakui sulit untuk dibuktikan, Ketua Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia Ifdhal Kasim menilai, bukan tidak mungkin berbagai persoalan yang terjadi dan dialami oleh institusi KPK hingga saat ini dipengaruhi adanya upaya serangan balik dari para pelaku praktik korupsi, yang saling berkolaborasi lantaran sama-sama merasa kepentingannya terganggu akibat sepak terjang institusi tersebut.

”Kekuatan yang menyerang balik KPK seperti itu memang tidak bisa dilihat, apalagi teraba bentuknya. Namun, kita semua dan masyarakat yakin bahwa kekuatan seperti itu ada,” ungkap Ifdhal.

Menyikapi kontroversi penahanan Bibit dan Chandra tersebut, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Djoko Suyanto meminta semua pihak bisa bersabar dan mengikuti saja proses hukum yang tengah berjalan.

”Kalau memang ada keberatan, ya dipersilakan saja karena memang ada mekanisme hukumnya juga, seperti praperadilan. Tidak bisa lain, kita harus tunggu dan ikuti saja prosesnya di pengadilan nanti,” ujar Djoko di sela-sela National Summit di Jakarta.

Menurut Djoko, siapa pun orangnya, proses hukum yang akan dikenai terhadap orang itu akan tetap sama sesuai dengan aturan hukum yang berlaku bagi setiap warga negara.

Djoko mengaku percaya bahwa kebenaran bisa terungkap dalam sebuah proses pengadilan dan bukan di media massa. Bisa saja Polri yang benar atau malah KPK yang benar dalam kasus ini.

Meski begitu, sebagai Menko Polhukam, Djoko mengaku tidak mau mengintervensi, apalagi mengingat bahwa yang namanya proses hukum melibatkan banyak pihak, mulai dari kejaksaan, polisi, dan pengadilan.

Meskipun demikian, kritik terhadap penanganan Bibit dan Chandra tersebut terus menggema dari berbagai daerah.

Di Yogyakarta, Zainal Arifin Muchtar, Direktur Pusat Kajian Antikorupsi (PuKAT) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada menilai para koruptor diuntungkan dalam kasus dugaan kriminalisasi KPK.

Menurut Zainal, penahanan Bibit dan Chandra seperti pertunjukan komedi tak lucu yang dipertontonkan ke publik. Polisi dianggap menyalahgunakan wewenang mengingat syarat subyektif penahanan sebagaimana Pasal 21 Ayat 1 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tidak terpenuhi. Pasal 21 Ayat 1 mengatur penahanan tersangka atau terdakwa dilakukan lantaran kekhawatiran yang bersangkutan melarikan diri, merusak barang bukti, atau mengulangi tindak pidana lagi.

Ketiga kekhawatiran ini tidak tampak pada diri Bibit dan Chandra. ”Bagaimana mungkin jika orang yang sudah nonaktif dari jabatannya dapat menghilangkan barang bukti?” ujar Hifdzil Alim, staf peneliti PuKAT.

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Popularitas SBY Turun ?

Pengamat politik, Burhanuddin Muhtadi mengatakan, kasus penahanan dua pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) non aktif Bibit Samad Rianto dan Chandra M Hamzah dapat menurunkan popularitas Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di kalangan masyarakat. "Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI) sebelumnya, kasus KPK versus Polisi terbukti menurunkan ’rating’ (peringkat) kepuasan publik terhadap kinerja SBY di bidang pemberantasan korupsi dan penegakkan hukum," kata peneliti senior LSI itu, di Jakarta, Jumat.

Namun, Burhanuddin mengakui, pihaknya memang belum mengadakan survei lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui jika memang benar kasus Bibit-Chandra tersebut akan memengaruhi popularitas SBY. Menurut dia, hasil survei atas kasus KPK versus Polisi tersebut cukup dapat menjadi acuan dalam melihat kemungkinan tersebut karena kedua hal tersebutlah yang menjadi andalan pemerintahan SBY.

"Untuk itu, SBY harus mengembalikan reputasi dan komitmennya dalam pemberantasan korupsi dengan membentuk tim independen untuk menyelidiki kasus yang melibatkan KPK, polisi, dan Kejaksaan Agung," ujar pengamat politik dari Universitas Paramadina tersebut. Bagaimanapun, lanjutnya, polri dan jaksa agung memiliki konflik kepentingan dalam mengusut KPK dan kedua institusi itu secara struktural bertanggung jawab kepada presiden.

Ia menilai, jika pemerintah membiarkan KPK, polri, dan jaksa agung sebagai institusi penegak hukum yang saling ’gigit’, hal tersebut justru akan menebalkan pesimisme publik terhadap agenda pemberantasan korupsi di bawah pemerintahan SBY. Pada tanggal 15 November mendatang, tambahnya, LSI akan melakukan survei terkait masalah tersebut dengan menggunakan 2.550 responden di 33 provinsi.

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“I have never seen anything like it. Nor heard any noise to approximate the ceaseless, frantic, hysterical scream which met the Beatles when they took the stage after what seemed a hundred years of earlier acts. All very good, all marking time, because no one had come for anything other than the Beatles...

Then the theatre went wild. First aid men and police – men in the stalls, women mainly in the balcony – taut and anxious, patrolled the aisles, one to every three rows.

Many girls fainted. Thirty were gently carried out, protesting in their hysteria, forlorn and wretched in an unrequited love for four lads who might have lived next door.

The stalls were like a nightmare March Fair. No one could remain seated. Clutching each other, hurling jelly babies at the stage, beating their brows, the youth of Britain’s second city surrendered themselves totally.” Derek Taylor (From his book “Fifty Years Adrift”)


“The story began in Harold Macmillan’s “never had it so good” ’50s Britain. It should be fiction: four teenagers with no more than eight O’Levels between them, running and biking and busing and busking all over Liverpool in search of new chords and old guitars and half-decent drum kit and any gig at all. They were determined to amount to something – in George’s words “we just had this amazing inner feeling of: ‘We’re going to do it’. I don’t know why... we were just cocky” – and make a record (in Ringo’s words you’d kill for that bit of plastic and make some money and have a laugh and shout. That would do to be going on with. Six years later, they were the four most famous and musical men on earth, the best dressed and on a good day the most captivating people anyone can remember. The narrative that began where Paul met John and clicked at a garden fete in leafy Liverpool, and ended in high dudgeon in high-end London, is so far fetched that it needs the power of a song punctuating every page to remind you with a joyous jolt that it was all true. We didn’t dream it... though it came out of John’s dream of the “man on a flaming pie” who said “You are Beatles with an ‘A’”. It did all happen. The whole wonderful thing did happen, a long time ago, on the Mersey, on the Elbe, by the Thames and the Hudson River. Amazing and marvellous and, nearly forty years on, forever young.


“They’ve got something! From Liverpool, I hear, of all places.” “From Liverpool uber alles!”

They leave their Cavern Club and within months they take the ascendancy in the British pop world, and start to live the life of Riley in London. They play the Palladium, the Royal Albert Hall, The Royal Variety Show, sing Moonlight Bay with Morecombe and Wise, give a spare hit to the Rolling Stones, play hundreds of concerts in Britain, nip over to Sweden, invent Beatlemania, record I Want to Hold Your Hand (their 4th British number one in a year) and, as if in a dream – while their conquering Paris – the record goes to Number One in America thre
e weeks before the Ed Sullivan Show in New York.

If there had been no Beatles, no one would have had the imagination to invent such a story.

’The Beatles sweep through the great US cities, drawing tens of thousands to airports for the merest glimpse.

They play for no more than half an hour per concert. A Hard Days Night has guaranteed them star status in the cinema and they laughed their way through Help! in Technicolour. Paul dreams that he has written Yesterday – and has. They are the first band to play a baseball stadium, Shea in New York, breaking records for crowd fever, numbers and good cheer. Oh, and they go to Buckingham Palace to receive medals from the Queen and, by now, more or less accept it as their due. They are, however, as happy and polite as can be.

’Wherever they went, they brought Beatlemania with them. They couldn’t help it; it was a form of real love. George would say many years later that the world used them as an excuse to go mad and then blamed it on the Beatles, but there is a para
llel theory that it was time for the world to go that sort of mad – get down a bit, loosen up, and like Uncle John in Long Tall Sally, have some fun tonight. The crowd scenes are awesome and, in retrospect awful. How did no-one get killed?...

These were the years of dash and daring. Sweeping out of the final (and wonderfully
old-fashioned) 1964 family Christmas Shows into the wider world of 1965, The Beatles would soon find themselves figureheads of a movement far beyond “pop” where a counter-culture / alternative society was made flesh. National boundaries were presumed to be doomed. Millions of minds were to become expanded and many trousers would soon be spandex.

...though the music would continue to pour out of them breaking in great waves over uncharted, challenging Reason and warming the heart, the Beatles would tire of those great sweating stadiums where they now played to screaming crowds who could no longer hear them.

In the studio years (1966 onwards), supported by the steady hand of the great George Martin, they would produce songs which would be forever fresh and which still set the standards against the newcomers have to test themselves.

Greatly turned on by the Spirit of the Age and by the “tea-parties” of those times, the Beatles provided a sound-track for the plottings of the baby boomers – millions of them – whose enlightenment (however compromised it may have been by the material world in the harsh times since) still provides a hedge against humankind’s grosser instincts.
The Beatles
They... go into the studio which brings an amazed world the mighty whirligig of Sgt Pepper, Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields here on the screen in surreal and glorious colour. They sing Baby You’re A Rich Man and they all are, but they don’t buy an island in Greece.

It was the great glory of The Beatles that they could absorb and transmute so much, first in those tiny
houses in Liverpool, listening to eclectic 1940s wireless, then to r’n’r and r&b and to Dylan and the poets and soon to music and messages from India.

Unafraid of growth, dogged individuals with a powerful devotion to the group ethic, the Beatles accepted each other’s offerings and really “cooked” to make each record a feast that left us breathless with admiration. They never stood still.

The Beatles started their own company, Apple Corps with five creative divisions – records, films etc – and then went public with an offer that anyone with an artistic need could come to them and get help. Is there, even now, a machine to count such numbers?

The promise was that all sincere supplicants would be given encouragement, succour, a contract and maybe an envelope full of money. At the same time, the Beatles flew to foothills of the Himalayas to learn medi
tation. There, between sessions with the Maharishi, they wrote songs for what would become The ‘White’ Album. When recording started, the songs had come in such profusion that, famously, The White Album had thirty of them – enough for two high-class musicals. They sped from one track to another, content that the unity of the album would transcend the disparity in the style and content of the tracks. It was always their strength that they wrote bewitching singles. New songs were written to suit themselves; sometimes written alone. This new work could virtually be recorded solo, spontaneously, simply.


Following the White Album(and the magnificent Hey Jude) they made Let It Be and with the final regal glory of Abbey Road they left their grieving fans a legacy that will never be matched. In the inevitable breaking down of old liaisons, there was room for growth. John met and married Yoko; Paul met and married Linda. George matured far beyond his years, settled into his spiritual space and expressed himself writing classic songs; Ringo was now writing his own numbers and was widely acknowledged as a supreme drummer and a very good actor. To everything there is a season. That the rift between The Beatles, evolved with much public angst was a pity but this is not a perfect world is it? Relationships anyway, were repaired long ago. And in the end, the equation between the love they took and the love they made was intact into infinity. They still represent the twentieth century’s greatest romance.

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Gulai Ayam

Bahan :

• 1 ekor ayam sedang
• 10 buah cabe merah
• 10 buir bawang mera, diiris
• 4 siung bawang putih, diiris halus
• 1 ruas kunyit
• 1 ruas lengkuas
• 4 sendok makan ketumbar
• 5 sendok makan minyal samin
• 1 sendok teh adas halus
• 1 potong kayu manis
• 1 sendok teh pala
• 1 sendok asam jawa
• 2 sendok makan kelapa gongseng dihaluskan
• 2 ½ gelas santan
• Sejumput jinten

Cara memasak :

• Ayam dipotong-potong, cuci bersih, tiriskan
• Haluskan cabe, kunyit dan lengkuas
• Tumis bawang mera, bawang putih dan kayu manis dengan minyak samin sampai kering dan kuning, masukkan cabe dan goreng sebentar.
• Masukkan ketumbar halus serta potongan ayam, beri air secukupnya, rebus hingga empuk
• Masukkan santan dan air asam jawa, aduk
• Bila santan mendidih angkat dan siap dihidangkan

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Puding Warna Spesial

Bahan :

• 400 cc susu segar
• 100 gr gula paisr
• 2 batang agar agar
• 2 butir telur ayam
• Vanili secukupnya

Cara membuat :

• Agar agar direndam dalam air dingin selama 15 menit, kemudian dimasak hingga hancur
• Masukkan susu dan gula pasir sambil diaduk aduk
• Kocok kuning telur ditambah sedikit gula kemudian campurkan ke sus sambil diaduk perlahan. Setelah itu masukkan agar agar yang telah dimasuk sambil disaring.
• Setelah tercampur baru Anda masukkan kedalam putih telur kemudian aduk hingga rata
• Beri pewarna sesuai dengan selera
• Masukkan kedalam cetakan yang sudah dibasahi sedikit dengan air
• Biarkan hingga keras kemudian dipotong potong.

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Resep Kue - Pie Kurma

Bahan pie :

• 50 gr gula pasir, haluskan
• 125 gr Margarine
• 250 gr Tepung Terigu
• 1 butir Kuning Telur

Bahan cake :

• 80 gr Gula Pasir
• 75 gr Mentega Kocok
• 60 gr Tepung Terigu
• 15 gr Susu Bubuk
• 8 Butir Kuning Telur

Topping :

• Butter Cream siap pakai
• Kurma, Belah dua

Cara Membuat :

• Kulit : Kocok Gula pasir dan margarin hingga lembut, masukkan kuning telur kemudian kocok rata. Setelah itu tambahkan terigu dan aduk rata
• Masukkan adonan dalam cetakan pie beroles margarin, tusuk tusuk dasarnya dengan garpu
• Cake : Kocok gula pasir dankuning telur hingga mengembang, masukkan terigu dan susu bubuk, aduk rata. Masukkan dan kocok mentega kemudian aduk rata.
• Tuang adonan cake diatas kulit pie , panggang dalam oven 170 C hingga matang.
• Angkat
• Tambahkan butetr cream, tempelkan kurma, hias sesuai dengans elera.

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Google Delivers SDK for Android 2.0

Google on Tuesday released an SDK for Android 2.0, revealing some new features that will come with the upgraded mobile operating system.
The news comes a day before a Verizon event in New York City that will introduce the operator's first Android phone, which will run Android 2.0. However, the upgrade path for existing Android phones, and some that are soon to go on sale, is uncertain.
Android 2.0 includes a number of new features, such as digital zoom on the camera, multi-touch control and an e-mail inbox that combines messages from multiple accounts.

The new Quick Connect feature will let users touch the photo of a person in the contact list and then select call, text or e-mail from a menu. It is designed to make it easy for users to communicate with contacts.
The feature is a welcome addition, said Avi Greengart, an analyst with Current Analysis. "The knock on Android has been that it's boring. The UI's whole functionality is not as polished as what you get on WebOS, iPhone or even Android with third-party overlays like the HTC Sense," he said. Sense is a user interface that HTC developed for some of its Android phones.
Android 2.0 also includes Exchange support. Android users have been able to get e-mail from Exchange in various ways, including through third-party applications or support provided by the hardware vendor. With the latest version of the operating system, Exchange support is built in, although Google specifically notes that handset makers can choose whether to include Exchange.
Google has also updated the Android mobile Web browser, with support for a quartet of APIs (application programming interfaces) from the emerging HTML 5 standard. That's significant because now browser-based applications can act much more like native applications. For example, the HTML 5 Database API supports client-side databases using SQL, to store data such as Web e-mail messages locally. This is now a feature of the browser in Android 2.0. In addition, the HTML 5 Application Cache lets developers store application functions and the UI, in JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets, so users can access them offline.
Other browser improvements include: the HTML 5 Geolocation API, opening up information on the device's location; support for full-screen video; a new URL bar that users can tap for instant searches and navigation; bookmarks outfitted with Web page thumbnails; and double-tap zoom.
While Verizon's Droid phone will run Android 2.0, it's uncertain which other recently introduced or currently available phones will be able to use the software. For example, Motorola's Cliq, expected to go on sale in early November, runs Android 1.5. It's unclear whether users will be able to upgrade the phone to Android 2.0.
Google said it's up to carriers and handset makers. "Because Android is open source, all software updates we release are available for carriers and handset makers to take and update their current or future Android-powered devices," Katie Watson, a Google spokeswoman, said via e-mail. Past updates to the operating system have been automatically pushed out to the few available models.
It's possible that hardware requirements could prevent some devices from upgrading to the newest software. In addition, Greengart wonders if users of devices such as the Cliq or the Sense, with custom user interfaces, would have to also update the user interface after receiving the new operating system.
Motorola and T-Mobile, which will sell the Cliq and offers two other Android phones, did not reply to questions about whether their phones would be upgradable to the new version.

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Los Angeles OKs plan to use Google Web services

LOS ANGELES – City Council members tentatively approved a multimillion-dollar proposal Tuesday to tap Google Inc. for government e-mail and other Internet services, a boon for the Web giant as it seeks to wrest market share for office software from rival Microsoft Corp.

The Council voted unanimously for the $7.2 million deal with contractor Computer Sciences Corp. to replace many city computer systems with the so-called Google Apps services.

An amendment added shortly before the vote makes the contract contingent on Computer Science agreeing to pay a preset penalty if a security breach occurs. The contractor's project manager David Barber said he believed such an agreement would be reached.

The city's police officers' union and privacy advocates had raised security concerns over the Google contract because it places data online rather than on individual computers under the city's direct control.

Under the deal, Google will provide e-mail, calendar, online chatting and other services to 30,000 city employees.

The Council chose Google's offer over competing bids from Microsoft and more than a dozen other technology firms eager to score the nation's second second-largest city as a client.

The move will also end the city's 7-year contract to use Novell Inc.'s GroupWise e-mail and record-keeping software, which city workers have complained is slow and crash-prone.

Novell senior vice president said during the Council hearing that many city departments were not using the most recent version of GroupWise and reiterated an offer to provide additional services for free.

"The titans are fighting, and they all want our attention," said Councilman Tony Cardenas, who sponsored the legislation granting the contract to Google.

The vote came amid a push by Mountain View-based Google to market its "cloud computing" services — applications that run remotely on the company's own servers instead of users' desktop machines — to governments and large security-conscious corporations.

"In our view, this can be a watershed agreement," said Dave Girouard, president of the Google division that provides business services. "There's a lot of cities and counties around the state and around the nation who were watching this."

The shift toward cloud-computing is troublesome to Microsoft, the fortunes of which are largely tethered to operating systems and office software that run on desktop machines, said technology analyst Rob Enderle.

The Redmond, Wash.-based company's failure to seize the Los Angeles contract represented a setback in its efforts to compete with Google for Web-based e-mail and other applications, Enderle said.

"Losing something of this size has to be really painful," he said. "It's not the death knell for them, but it's a big red flag."

Microsoft vice president of state and local government Gail Thomas Flynn stressed in an e-mail that Los Angeles city workers will continue to use the company's Office software.

She said that Glaxo Smith Kline PLC and Coca Cola Enterprises, as well as Ohio's statewide university system and the city of Carlsbad, Calif. use the company's cloud-computing services.

"In any cloud solution the true measure of success lies with standing up and deploying the solution as well as ensuring the security and privacy of citizens," she said.

Google's e-mail service is being phased in among city workers in Washington D.C. and many large companies, such as Genentech Inc., use the company's suite of online applications.

For Google, getting the Los Angeles contract is a chance to demonstrate its ability to securely handle data for a large number of users, something it is sure to highlight as it seeks more large clients, Enderle said.

Councilman Paul Koretz, who introduced the security breach amendment, voted for the contract despite reservations over whether the company's system had been sufficiently tested.

"It's unclear to me whether we're on the cutting edge or if we're on the edge of a cliff about to step off," he said.

Proponents repeated a City Administrative Officer estimate that the new contract would save the city some $5 million in service costs over five years, in addition to allowing the city's technology department to shed nine positions.

Councilman Bill Rosendahl said he thought being Google's first big city customer was an advantage, since the company would be especially careful in the knowledge that other governments were watching.

"I don't mind being the poster boy for the big cities," he said.

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iPhones everywhere in China ahead of launch

At a Shanghai electronics market, row after row of iPhones -- real and fake -- are on display, as vendors cash in ahead of the official launch this week of Apple's trendy smart phone in China.

"The 'high imitation' iPhones sell much better than the smuggled ones," said one 20-something salesman, sitting behind his small counter piled high with handsets.

His candid words are not good news for mobile operator China Unicom, which on Friday will officially start selling the iPhone in the world's biggest cell phone market, more than two years after the gadget's US launch

Unicom and Apple announced a multi-year deal in August to offer the touch-pad iPhone here in a bid to turn around weak performance against rivals China Mobile and China Telecom by attracting customers with high-end tastes.

Unicom says it hopes to sell five million handsets in three years, but experts and customers question how realistic that goal is when tech-savvy consumers have been snapping up cheaper fake and smuggled models for months.

Shaun Rein, head of the Shanghai-based China Market Research Group, said two million of China's nearly 720 million mobile phone users are already using authentic iPhones purchased here or abroad, and demand may already be met.

"When the iPhone came out in the United States in 2007, there was a huge demand here, and a lot of people were going to the United States, buying handsets, cracking the code and selling it here," Rein said.

"Almost everyone who wants an iPhone already has one."

On top of that estimate, countless more Chinese are using fake iPhones that are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing, some of which come pre-loaded with the popular QQ instant messaging system as an added bonus.

Hai Bin, a 32-year-old employee at an auction website, said he was doubtful the official handset would make much of a mark in China.

"I've had the iPhone since 2008 -- one of my friends bought it in Hong Kong when he was on a business trip," he said.

"I don't think China Unicom's launch is meaningful -- the prices of stand-alone iPhones they offer are much higher than smuggled ones for a start."

China Unicom, the country's second-largest mobile operator by subscribers, said earlier this month that it would offer eight iPhone subscription packages costing between 126 and 886 yuan (18.5-130 dollars) a month.

But in China, most people use pre-paid mobile packages, in part because subscription contracts require an employer guarantee or government documents such as a residence permit that can be hard to get in major cities, Rein said.

Unicom will also sell stand-alone handsets, but at a high price, with the cheapest at 4,999 yuan, according to Beijing-based high-tech consultancy BDA -- totally out of range for the average Chinese consumer.

A survey on popular web portal sina.com, which had attracted 120,739 respondents by the weekend, said just 2.1 percent were willing to pay that much.

China Unicom received more than 10,000 advance orders for the iPhone during the week-long October 1 holiday, but BDA cautioned that not all orders would be converted into actual sales.

The company, contacted repeatedly for comment on the price issue, did not respond.

Beyond the hefty price tag, the first batch of official iPhones will come without WiFi -- an important selling point both in China and globally.

"If Unicom offered the 'complete version' and the WiFi function was not disabled, people might want to buy them. But with WiFi disabled, there will not be many buyers," Hai said.

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Facebook challenges financial regulators: FINRA

Social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn raise "serious new challenges" for financial regulators, the head of the largest U.S. independent securities regulator said on Tuesday.

Wall Street bankers and analysts increasingly want to use social networking to connect and interact with customers, Richard Ketchum, the chief executive of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) said.

But as these sites are currently designed they may not allow firms to keep the kind of archives of their employees' business communications required by regulators, Ketchum told industry group Securities Industry and Financial Markets Assocation's (SIFMA) annual meeting.

"We continue to witness the advent of technologies that will challenge your ability to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements," Ketchum told the bankers and dealers. "Social networking is one such innovation."

Most firms prohibit their employees from using sites like Facebook for business, partly because of the difficulties they pose for firms' ability to meet supervision and record-keeping requirements, Ketchum said.

"Nevertheless, interest in these sites is inevitable and will not go unabated," he said.

FINRA has set up a task force comprised of industry representatives "to explore how regulation can embrace technology advancements in ways that can improve the flow of information between firms and their customers without compromising investor protection," he said.

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Indonesia Should be Aware

Indonesia has to prepare a program so that it would not depend too much on other countries for its energy needs in the future.
Once an oil exporting country, Indonesia is now facing the problem of oil reserves depletion. With a daily production of only about 1 million barrels against its consumption of 1.4 million, the energy sector could serve as a time bomb ahead if a solution is not worked out, an oil businessman says.

Therefore, newly appointed Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Darwin Sahedy Saleh must work out an oil self-sufficiency program so that the country would not stay dependent on other countries.

"The new minister needs to find a solution to the energy problem. The preparations for the energy self-sufficiency program should be completed soon while the implementation of the existing programs should be accelerated," Effendi Siradjuddin, chairman of the National Oil and Gas Company Association (Aspermigas), said.

After all the current domestic oil consumption has reached 1.4 million barrels per day (bpd), while 70 percent of which is absorbed by the transportation sector. Indonesia’s oil production is only 1 million barrels per day, and half of the production belongs to foreign companies.

"This means that Indonesia has to import almost 900 thousand tons of fuel oils and crude per day," he said.

Indonesia, once one of the most important oil exporters in the world, has become a net oil importer in recent years due to the continued decline in its crude production.

The country is in dire need of private investment to boost oil and gas output at its aging fields. Its oil production reached a first peak in 1977 at approximately 1.6 million barrels per day, rising from 500,000 barrels per day in only 10 years. Production peaked a second time in 1995, again just over 1.6 million barrels a day.

Since 1995, production has steadily declined and in 2006 was down to just 1 million barrels per day, or roughly a 37.5 percent decline, making the country a net oil importer.

Natural gas has fared better, with production averaging approximately 8.3 billion cubic feet per day, down just 3.44 percent from its peak of 8.7 billion cubic feet per day in 1996.

Early in 2007, the government announced a target of increasing oil and gas production by 30 percent to 1.3 million barrels per day and 8.5 billion cubic feet per day, respectively by 2009.

According to Effendi Siradjuddin, however, Indonesia’s present production is only 1 million barrels per day while its consumption reaches 1.4 millions.

The challenge being faced becomes heavier and heavier because each year Indonesia is also facing a ’crazy’ growth of motor vehicles. Based on Aspermigas data, new motorcycle sales reaches one million units per annum. In the meantime, car sales reaches 500 thousand units annually.

The increase in the number of motor vehicles will automatically increase fuel oil consumption which at present had reached 1.4 million bpd amid the threat of crude price increases to about US$100 per barrels in the coming one to two years.

Unluckily, the Indonesian people, for tens of years, have been so absorbed because they could obtain energy so easily. What then happened was that the growing habit of wasting energy which should have been stopped years ago. "There must be a bold step to break this vicious circle," Effindi said.

Looking at the complexities of the problems Indonesia is facing with regard to the energy sector, Effendi is of the view that a national agenda should be worked out in order to create self-efficiency in the energy sector. The national agenda should involve multi-sectors and parties as well as inter-departmental agencies and in cooperation with businesses and academicians.

With the energy sector becoming a main national agenda, it would no longer become the responsibility of the Ministry of Eenergy and Mineral Resources alone. "By making it a national agenda, the program must be supported by the president," Effendi who is also chairman of the National Oil and Gas Caucus, said.

He said that with the growth of cars reaching 500 thousands and motorcycle 1 million units per annum the fuel oil consumption will also increase. "In this case, the ministry of trade and the ministry of transportation need to cooperate to convert fuel-generated vehicles into electric vehicles. They also need to accelerate the creation of a mass transportation system and prepare fuel-free roads for bicycles and electric- or gas-vehicles in all cities in the country."

In the meantime, coordination with the ministry of finance is also needed to provide fiscal incentives. And what is more important is that the minister for energy and mineral resources should refer the management of the country’s mineral resources to the message of the 1945 Constitution, particularly article 33. This is because most of the oil mining activities in the upstream areas are now dominated by foreigners.

In this case, the energy and mineral resources minister should take a clear stand in taking sides with the national interest and it should be supported by all stake-holders so that the management of oil and gas wells will in stages be taken over from foreigners.

"This will have extra-ordinary multiplier effects. Not to mention if the take-over from foreigners is done in the down stream areas, including supportive industries," he said.

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AP IMPACT: Statisticians reject global cooling

Have you heard that the world is now cooling instead of warming? You may have seen some news reports on the Internet or heard about it from a provocative new book. Only one problem: It's not true, according to an analysis of the numbers done by several independent statisticians for The Associated Press.

The case that the Earth might be cooling partly stems from recent weather. Last year was cooler than previous years. It's been a while since the super-hot years of 1998 and 2005. So is this a longer climate trend or just weather's normal ups and downs?

In a blind test, the AP gave temperature data to four independent statisticians and asked them to look for trends, without telling them what the numbers represented. The experts found no true temperature declines over time.

"If you look at the data and sort of cherry-pick a micro-trend within a bigger trend, that technique is particularly suspect," said John Grego, a professor of statistics at the University of South Carolina.

Yet the idea that things are cooling has been repeated in opinion columns, a BBC news story posted on the Drudge Report and in a new book by the authors of the best-seller "Freakonomics." Last week, a poll by the Pew Research Center found that only 57 percent of Americans now believe there is strong scientific evidence for global warming, down from 77 percent in 2006.

Global warming skeptics base their claims on an unusually hot year in 1998. Since then, they say, temperatures have dropped — thus, a cooling trend. But it's not that simple.

Since 1998, temperatures have dipped, soared, fallen again and are now rising once more. Records kept by the British meteorological office and satellite data used by climate skeptics still show 1998 as the hottest year. However, data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA show 2005 has topped 1998. Published peer-reviewed scientific research generally cites temperatures measured by ground sensors, which are from NOAA, NASA and the British, more than the satellite data.

The recent Internet chatter about cooling led NOAA's climate data center to re-examine its temperature data. It found no cooling trend.

"The last 10 years are the warmest 10-year period of the modern record," said NOAA climate monitoring chief Deke Arndt. "Even if you analyze the trend during that 10 years, the trend is actually positive, which means warming."

The AP sent expert statisticians NOAA's year-to-year ground temperature changes over 130 years and the 30 years of satellite-measured temperatures preferred by skeptics and gathered by scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Statisticians who analyzed the data found a distinct decades-long upward trend in the numbers, but could not find a significant drop in the past 10 years in either data set. The ups and downs during the last decade repeat random variability in data as far back as 1880.

Saying there's a downward trend since 1998 is not scientifically legitimate, said David Peterson, a retired Duke University statistics professor and one of those analyzing the numbers.

Identifying a downward trend is a case of "people coming at the data with preconceived notions," said Peterson, author of the book "Why Did They Do That? An Introduction to Forensic Decision Analysis."

One prominent skeptic said that to find the cooling trend, the 30 years of satellite temperatures must be used. The satellite data tends to be cooler than the ground data. And key is making sure 1998 is part of the trend, he added.

It's what happens within the past 10 years or so, not the overall average, that counts, contends Don Easterbrook, a Western Washington University geology professor and global warming skeptic.

"I don't argue with you that the 10-year average for the past 10 years is higher than the previous 10 years," said Easterbrook, who has self-published some of his research. "We started the cooling trend after 1998. You're going to get a different line depending on which year you choose.

"Should not the actual temperature be higher now than it was in 1998?" Easterbrook asked. "We can play the numbers games."

That's the problem, some of the statisticians said.

Grego produced three charts to show how choosing a starting date can alter perceptions. Using the skeptics' satellite data beginning in 1998, there is a "mild downward trend," he said. But doing that is "deceptive."

The trend disappears if the analysis starts in 1997. And it trends upward if you begin in 1999, he said.

Apart from the conflicting data analyses is the eyebrow-raising new book title from Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, "Super Freakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance."

A line in the book says: "Then there's this little-discussed fact about global warming: While the drumbeat of doom has grown louder over the past several years, the average global temperature during that time has in fact decreased."

That led to a sharp rebuke from the Union of Concerned Scientists, which said the book mischaracterizes climate science with "distorted statistics."

Levitt, a University of Chicago economist, said he does not believe there is a cooling trend. He said the line was just an attempt to note the irony of a cool couple of years at a time of intense discussion of global warming. Levitt said he did not do any statistical analysis of temperatures, but "eyeballed" the numbers and noticed 2005 was hotter than the last couple of years. Levitt said the "cooling" reference in the book title refers more to ideas about trying to cool the Earth artificially.

Statisticians say that in sizing up climate change, it's important to look at moving averages of about 10 years. They compare the average of 1999-2008 to the average of 2000-2009. In all data sets, 10-year moving averages have been higher in the last five years than in any previous years.

"To talk about global cooling at the end of the hottest decade the planet has experienced in many thousands of years is ridiculous," said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution at Stanford.

Ben Santer, a climate scientist at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore National Lab, called it "a concerted strategy to obfuscate and generate confusion in the minds of the public and policymakers" ahead of international climate talks in December in Copenhagen.

President Barack Obama weighed in on the topic Friday at MIT. He said some opponents "make cynical claims that contradict the overwhelming scientific evidence when it comes to climate change — claims whose only purpose is to defeat or delay the change that we know is necessary."

Earlier this year, climate scientists in two peer-reviewed publications statistically analyzed recent years' temperatures against claims of cooling and found them not valid.

Not all skeptical scientists make the flat-out cooling argument.

"It pretty much depends on when you start," wrote John Christy, the Alabama atmospheric scientist who collects the satellite data that skeptics use. He said in an e-mail that looking back 31 years, temperatures have gone up nearly three-quarters of a degree Fahrenheit (four-tenths of a degree Celsius). The last dozen years have been flat, and temperatures over the last eight years have declined a bit, he wrote.

Oceans, which take longer to heat up and longer to cool, greatly influence short-term weather, causing temperatures to rise and fall temporarily on top of the overall steady warming trend, scientists say. The biggest example of that is El Nino.

El Nino, a temporary warming of part of the Pacific Ocean, usually spikes global temperatures, scientists say. The two recent warm years, both 1998 and 2005, were El Nino years. The flip side of El Nino is La Nina, which lowers temperatures. A La Nina bloomed last year and temperatures slipped a bit, but 2008 was still the ninth hottest in 130 years of NOAA records.

Of the 10 hottest years recorded by NOAA, eight have occurred since 2000, and after this year it will be nine because this year is on track to be the sixth-warmest on record.

The current El Nino is forecast to get stronger, probably pushing global temperatures even higher next year, scientists say. NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt predicts 2010 may break a record, so a cooling trend "will be never talked about again.

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Tips Anak Terhindar dari Pelecehan Seksual

Kasus pelecehan seksual pada anak seringkali terjadi. Bahkan bisa dikatakan jumlahnya makin meningkat. Dampak negatifnya tidak hanya secara fisik tetapi juga psikologis.

Pelecehan seksual pada anak bisa menimbulkan efek trauma selama bertahun-tahun atau bahkan seumur hidup. Anda tentu tidak ingin hal tersebut terjadi pada buah hati. Ada beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan agar buah hati terhindar dari pelecehan.

1. Tidak ada rahasia
Ajarkan si kecil untuk selalu terbuka dalam menyampaikan perasaannya. Buat dia selalu bercerita perasaannya baik saat senang, sedih, takut dan gembira. Hal ini membuatnya tidak akan merahasiakan hal sekecil apapun dari Anda, termasuk perlakuan yang diterimanya dari orang sekelilingnya. Dengan begitu Anda tahu siapa saja yang ia temui dan dekat dengannya.

2. Jangan memakaikan aksesori yang terdapat namanya
Hindari memakaikan aksesori yang terdapat nama buah hati saat ia bermain di taman atau tempat bermain, dan Anda tidak memperhatikannya dengan seksama. Bisa saja ada orang yang menghampiri dan menyebutkan namanya, kemudian berkata bahwa ia sedang dicari Anda. Buah hati pun bisa langsung menurutinya karena merasa orang asing tersebut tahu namanya.

3. Ajarkan fungsi dan nama dari tiap organ tubuhnya
Ajarkan sedini mungkin fungsi dan nama dari setiap organ tubuhnya termasuk organ vitalnya. Tidak masalah jika ia menyebut vagina, penis atau payudara, karena memang itulah namanya.

Hindari menggunakan istilah untuk menyebut organ vitalnya, hal itu malah bisa membuatnya bingung. Katakan pada buah hati organ intim yang mereka miliki harus dijaga baik-baik dan tidak boleh dipegang sembarang orang dan jika ada yang memegangnya ajarkan pada si kecil untuk berteriak dan lari sekencang-kencangnya.

4. Kondisikan situasi
Jika buah hati sudah cukup umur dan bisa mengerti buatlah cerita dengan awalan pertanyaan "bagaimana jika". Misalnya, "bagaiman jika ada orang dewasa yang kamu tidak kenal memberikan permen". Jika jawaban si kecil menerima permen dan akan bermain bersamanya segera katakan padanya bahwa hal itu berbahaya.

Buatlah buah hati mengerti bahwa situasi tersebut membahayakannya, dengan menyebutkan kemungkinan yang ada seperti bisa saja ia diculik atau disakiti dengan orang asing tersebut.

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Facebook Palsu Hadir di Indonesia.. Hati-hati..!

Facebook merupakan situs jejaring sosial terlaris di Indonesia. Bahkan menurut data Alexa, Facebook merupakan situs yang paling banyak dikunjungi oleh pengguna internet di tanah air, di atas Google, Yahoo, Blogger, ataupun YouTube.

Tingginya popularitas Facebook ternyata telah dimanfaatkan oleh penjahat dunia maya, atau istilah kerennya cyber criminal. Mereka telah membangun situs Facebook versi Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk penipuan (phising). Pengguna yang terjebak akan secara sengaja menyerahkan informasi username dan password akun Facebook mereka ke kriminal tersebut.

“Jika dilihat sekilas, tampilan situs Facebook gadungan ini memang mirip aslinya, termasuk ketersediaan sarana registrasi bagi pengguna baru. Begitu pun dengan icon, gambar, judul halaman dan elemen lain yang lazim dijumpai pada laman utama Facebook ketika baru dibuka,” kata Brama Setyadi, seorang praktisi teknologi pada VIVAnews, 26 Oktober 2009.

“Satu-satunya yang membuat laman ini berbeda adalah alamatnya, yakni http://facabook.co.tv/indonesia,” ucap Brama yang awalnya mendapatkan pesan phising tersebut di inboks akun Facebook-nya.

Pada laman Facebook asli, Brama menyebutkan, data login yang dimasukkan pengguna akan dikirim menggunakan metode POST ke file login.php di alamat ‘https://login.facebook.com’.

“Sekadar info, HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) adalah protokol yang digunakan untuk mengamankan jalur pengiriman data dengan memanfaatkan enkripsi,” kata Brama. “Sementara Facebook palsu mengirimkan data login ke file src-login.php di alamat http://facabook.co.tv,” ucapnya.

“Dari sini sebenarnya dapat diketahui bahwa sebenarnya si pembuat laman sama sekali tidak mengirimkan data untuk keperluan otentikasi, melainkan hanya merekam data login ke dalam database miliknya,” ucap Brama.

Menurut laporan beberapa korban, informasi tentang Facebook palsu ini didapat lewat fasilitas message Facebook, meskipun si phiser tidak masuk ke dalam daftar teman. Isi beritanya kurang lebih mengharuskan si calon korban untuk melakukan login ke facebook dengan segera karena sistem administrasi Facebook sedang dalam tahap seleksi pengguna aktif. Sembari melampirkan alamat palsu di atas, phiser juga menyuruh meneruskan pesan yang dibuatnya kepada 15 pengguna Facebook lain.

Lalu apa yang terjadi jika pengguna memasukkan informasi kredensial ke laman ini? Setelah merekam data login si pembuat akan langsung mengalihkan laman ke alamat login Facebook yang asli. Seakan-akan pengguna telah salah atau belum memasukkan informasi login.

“Anda yang telah terlanjur memasukkan informasi login di situs tersebut, ada baiknya segera mengubah password Facebook yang Anda punya,” ucap Brama.

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Berbahaya, Selaput Dara Buatan Bisa Timbulkan Kanker

Pernah dengar soal selaput dara buatan? Tidak perlu mengernyitkan dahi bila belum pernah mendengarnya atau merasa mustahil hal itu ada. Sebab, produk yang dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai artificial virginity hymen (selaput dara buatan) itu, memang ada. Disebut selaput dara buatan karena digunakan untuk “menggantikan” selaput dara asli yang sudah robek.

Di situs salah satu produk yang beredar di Indonesia disebutkan, dengan memakai selaput dara buatan ini, malam pertama pengantin bisa “didapatkan” kembali kapan saja. Kok, bisa? Katanya, produk yang beratnya hanya 0,08 kg ini dilengkapi dengan cairan berwarna merah yang menyerupai darah sehingga seolah-olah selaput dara perempuan yang memakainya baru robek untuk pertama kalinya saat itu.

Di situs itu juga disebutkan, selaput dara buatan aman digunakan karena tanpa efek samping, tak sakit, serta tidak menimbulkan reaksi alergi karena terbuat dari bahan alami. Cara pakainya? Mudah saja! Cukup ditempelkan ke vagina 15-20 menit sebelum berhubungan intim. Bisa juga dicelupkan ke dalam air terlebih dulu.

Meski di Indonesia baru beredar beberapa bulan terakhir, di Jepang sendiri selaput dara buatan ini sudah dibuat di Kyoto sejak 1993. Awalnya hanya beredar di Negara Sakura saja, tapi dua tahun kemudian menjangkau Thailand dan kini merambah ke Asia Tenggara, Asia Selatan, dan negara-negara Timur Tengah.

Sangat Berbahaya
Benarkah produk ini aman seperti yang diklaim produsennya? “Bahaya!” Begitu komentar Dr. Boy­ke Dian Nugraha, Sp.OG, MARS dari Klinik Pasutri. Meski mengaku belum pernah melihat secara langsung, ginekolog dan konsultan seks ini memperkirakan cara pakai produk ini mirip kondom untuk perempuan, yaitu dimasukkan ke vagina.

“Yang ini mungkin ditempelkan ke selaput dara. Kalau robek, produk ini mengeluarkan darah buatan, yang mungkin terbuat dari herbal atau getah-getahan. Menurut saya ini berbahaya sekali karena darahnya pun darah buatan. Bisa saja menyebabkan kanker,” jelasnya saat berbincang dengan tabloidnova.com. Apalagi, lanjutnya, konon produknya bisa digunakan berkali-kali.

Selain me­nyebabkan infeksi, bisa juga disalahgunakan pekerja seks ka­rena masih ada pria hidung belang yang bersedia membayar mahal demi mendapatkan gadis perawan. Alhasil, Boyke menganggap kehadiran produk ini lebih banyak mudaratnya dan setuju jika dilarang beredar di Indonesia. “Khawatirnya, bisa membuat makin banyak orang melakukan seks bebas, terjangkit penyakit kelamin, dan kanker mulut rahim.”

Tingkat aborsi, lanjutnya, bisa makin tinggi. “Kalau kondom, kan, gunanya mencegah penularan penyakit kelamin dan kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan. Nah, kalau menggunakan produk ini, sperma tetap masuk dan kita tidak tahu apakah bisa ikut tertarik keluar ketika penetrasi selesai. Akibatnya, terjadi kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan dan tingkat aborsi akan meningkat,” ungkap Boyke yang sepakat dengan larangan Pemerintah Mesir untuk mengimpor produk ini.

Apakah menggunakannya bisa dikategorikan membohongi pasangan? “Tergantung. Sebab, ini juga salah satu pukulan telak bagi pria yang menghendaki pasangannya masih perawan saat menikah tapi dia sendiri sebetulnya sudah tidak perjaka. Hanya saja, bagi pria yang masih perjaka, ya, ini sebuah pembohongan.”

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Promo Undian Berhadiah berlaku bagi seluruh pelanggan Broom Paket Classic (Broom, Broom Extra, Broom Bastis, Broom Community, PRIME dengan Fitur Hybrid, Pengecualian: Broom Community khusus Program Acer tidak mendapatkan bonus ini
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Selamat menikmati kenyamanan dan kemudahan internet dari IM2...

disadur dari : indosatm2.com

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Partisipasi di Global Conference on Open Source (GCOS)

Partisipasi di Global Conference on Open Source (GCOS);

IM2 Dukung Penerapan Open Source di Indonesia

PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) mendukung penerapan Open Source di Indonesia. Saat ini, IM2 telah menggunakan aplikasi maupun operating system berbasis open source sebesar 50% dari total jumlah server perusahaan. Dukungan IM2 terhadap open source juga diwujudkan dengan partisipasi IM2 di acara Global Conference on Open Source (CGOS), pertemuan tingkat dunia mengenai open source yang berlangsung di Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta pada tanggal 26 – 27 Oktober 2009. Acara tersebut dibuka oleh Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring dan dihadiri oleh Duta Besar Brazil untuk Indonesia, Edmundo Sussumu Fujita.

“IM2 akan terus mendukung perkembangan Open Source di Indonesia sehingga pemanfaatan komputer akan meningkat seiring dengan semakin mudah dan murahnya aksesibilitas melalui open source,” ujar Indar Atmanto, Direktur Utama IM2.

Di ajang CGOS, IM2 menyediakan akses internet gratis menggunakan teknologi WiFi berkecepatan 2 Mbps. IM2 juga menyediakan internet café dimana pengunjung dapat terhubung melalui internet menggunakan 5 (lima) notebook yang disediakan dengan sistem operasi menggunakan open source seperti Linux, Ubuntu, Firefox, dll. Akses internet gratis ini juga dapat dinikmati semua pengunjung hotel. Cukup menyalakan fitur WiFi pada notebook, pengunjung pun siap untuk berselancar internet.

Aplikasi maupun Operating System berbasis open source sudah lama diimplementasikan di IM2. Bahkan sejak awal pendirian perusahaan di tahun 2000. Saat ini sejumlah aplikasi penting IM2 baik internal maupun eksternal berbasis open source seperti Top Up System, Payment Gateway, Portal Kongkoow, i-Pay, Corporate Email, Web Server, dll. “Pilihan terhadap open source tidak hanya pada masalah biaya yang lebih hemat namun juga pada pilihan support yang lebih luas dalam bentuk konsultasi maupun advise dari pihak ketiga. Bahkan portal Kongkoow dan i-Pay kami sudah 100% open source”, jelas Syaiful Anwar – Head of IT Operation IM2.

Kedepannya IM2 akan terus menggalakkan pemakaian open source seiring dengan semakin banyaknya pilihan opsi dan alternative aplikasi maupun operating system berbasis open source. “IM2 akan terus update terhadap perkembangan IT terkini dengan motivasi untuk menghadirkan internet yang terjangkau dan berkualitas kepada masyarakat. Penggunaan open source merupakan salah satu diantaranya,” imbuh Indar.

Di ajang GCOS ini berkumpul lebih dari 500 peserta dari berbagi penjuru dunia mendengarkan dan berdiskusi dengan penggiat dan pencinta open source lainnya. Pada acara yang telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2004 ini, Betti Alisjahbana – Ketua Umum Asosiasi Open Source Indonesia (AOSI) dalam kata sambutan pembukaan acara GCOS mengemukakan bahwa open source sudah sangat layak tampil kedepan dengan dukungan besar dari berbagai pihak membuat penetrasi open source sungguh diluar dugaan begitu baik.

disadur dari : indosatm2.com

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Microsoft Luncurkan Windows 7

Windows Vista sepertinya sebentar lagi akan segera tergantikan oleh OS baru yang dikeluarkan oleh Microsoft yaitu Windows 7, OS baru tersebut akan segera dilaunching pada Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009, Microsoft akan resmi menerbitkan sistem operasi terbarunya ini di dunia termasuk di Indonesia.

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Windows 7 merupakan penerus dari Windows Vista. Seperti yang kita ketahu bahwa Windows Vista semenjak kemunculannya dianggap kurang berhasil. Dan seperti Vista, Windows 7 mengadopsi gaya tampilan Aero. Tentunya, di Windows 7, Microsoft menambahkan beberapa hal pada Aero.

Di permukaan, Aero adalah tampilan windows yang 'kemilau'. Maksudnya, tampilan Windows itu berusaha meniru tampilan transparan dan berkilau dari kaca.

Namun di balik 'kilau' itu, Aero mencakup perilaku jendela-jendela pada sistem operasi dan juga beberapa fungsi seputar user interface.

Aero Peek
Jika diperhatikan, pada pojok kanan bawah Windows 7 akan terlihat sebuah kotak yang nyaris tersembunyi. Kotak 'kaca' itu adalah Aero Peek.

Guna Aero Peek adalah mengintip Desktop Windows tanpa mengecilkan (minimize) jendela aplikasi yang sedang bertumpuk. Jika pengguna mengarahkan pointer mouse ke atas Aero Peek itu, jendela aplikasi akan berubah transparan dan permukaan Desktop pun akan terlihat.

Lalu, untuk apa mengintip permukaan Desktop? Di Windows 7 Microsoft meniadakan Sidebar, sehingga semua gadget jika mau menggunakannya akan terpasang di permukaan Desktop. Nah, Aero Peek adalah cara cepat untuk mengintip gadget tersebut.

Namun jangan coba-coba mengklik salah satu gadget saat mengintipnya dengan Aero Peek. Seketika saat pointer mouse bergerak keluar dari kotak kaca itu, jendela aplikasi yang tadinya transparan akan kembali muncul.

(Catatan: Untuk mengecilkan semua jendela aplikasi dan membuka permukaan Desktop, gunakan shortcut Windows+D)

Aero Snap
Jika Aero Peek mungkin tak banyak yang akan menggunakan, Aero Snap sebaliknya. Mungkin Anda nantinya ketika sudah menggunakan Windows 7 beranggapan fungsi ini merupakan salah satu tambahan yang paling bermanfaat.

Fungsinya sederhana saja: seret (drag and drop) sebuah jendela aplikasi hingga menempel pada tepi layar (kiri atau kanan) dan ia akan segera berubah ukuran untuk memenuhi separuh layar. Ini jelas berguna saat pengguna butuh membuka dua layar aplikasi pada saat yang sama: tinggal seret masing-masing jendela ke tepi kiri dan kanan layar.

Bagaimana dengan memaksimalkan ukuran jendela sepenuh layar? Cukup seret jendela ke tepi atas layar dan 'snap!' jendela aplikasi akan memenuhi layar.

(Catatan: menggoyang-goyangkan jendela aplikasi bisa digunakan untuk 'mengusir' jendela aplikasi selain yang sedang digoyangkan. Fitur ini dinamai Aero Shake)

Aero Thumbnails
Ingin tahu apa yang berlangsung di satu jendela aplikasi tanpa membuka jendela itu? Microsoft menyediakan Thumbnails yang akan muncul saat pointer berada di atas icon aplikasi di Taskbar.

Tampilan yang muncul dalam 'jendela kecil' itu akan menunjukkan kondisi sesungguhnya sebuah aplikasi. Misalnya, jika di salah satu jendela sedang membuka halaman web yang agak berat pengguna bisa mengintip apakah halaman sudah terbuka penuh atau belum dengan fungsi ini.

Jika pointer mouse berada di atas 'jendela kecil' itu, maka jendela aplikasi yang dimaksud akan nampak di layar sementara jendela yang lain akan menjadi transparan.

Sama seperti Aero Peek, jika pointer bergerak keluar dari area Thumbnail maka tampilan akan kembali ke jendela aktif. Dalam prakteknya perilaku ini bisa mengganggu karena pengguna 'kaget' mengira jendela aplikasi sudah berpindah.

Themes paket tampilan desktop yang mencakup warna jendela, gambar Wallpaper, screensaver hingga suara sistem sudah kembali. Kali ini pengguna bisa saling berbagi Themes yang mereka buat dengan mudah.

Salah satu yang menarik dari pengaturan Themes adalah pilihan untuk menggunakan beberapa gambar sekaligus sebagai Wallpaper. Pengguna bisa memilih berapa lama gambar-gambar tersebut dirotasi, mulai dari 10 detik hingga beberapa jam sekali.

Fungsi bernama 'Slideshow Wallpaper' ini berguna bagi mereka yang kerap bosan dengan tampilan permukaan Desktop-nya. Efek saat berganti Wallpaper pun boleh dibilang cukup memanjakan mata.

Banyaknya gaya 'kaca' pada Aero di Windows 7 memang memberikan kesan tersendiri. Kesan transparan akan makin terasa bagi pengguna sistem operasi ini, seakan-akan setiap jendela aplikasi memang sebuah jendela yang terbuat dari kaca.

Source: www.microsoft.com

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Berbagai Aplikasi Handphone yang Bisa Didownload Secara Gratis

Jika Anda adalah termasuk orang yang dalam kesehariannya selalu membutuhkan handphone sebagai alat untuk membantu aktifitas Anda, mungkin Anda perlu mencoba berbagai aplikasi yang di sediakan oleh Ovi Store. Situs Ovi Store ini sebenarnya dibuat khusus untuk ponsel dengan merek Nokia yang suport S60, namun tenyata berbagai Aplikasi, Games, Audio & Video, yang disediakan oleh Ovi Store tidak hanya untuk ponsel dengan merek Nokia saja, tapi ada juga sebagian aplikasi yang bisa digunakan untuk ponsel dengan merek lain asalkan mendukung S60.

Ada banyak sekali berbagai jenis aplikasi di Ovi Store ini yang bisa Anda download secara gratis, misalnya seperti aplikasi berikut ini:

Nokia Magnifier Utilities

WorldMate 2009 City Guides/Maps

HAVA Player Entertainment

fring Social Networks

Maps City Guides/Maps

YouTube Social Networks

Mobiola WebCam - trial Photo & Video

vTap video search Entertainment

Battery Extender (Trial) Utilities

Midomi Music Identifier Music

Berbagai aplikasi di atas itu hanya sebagian saja yang saya tampilkan di postingan ini, sebenarnya masih banyak lagi aplikasi yang di sediakan di Ovi Store. Dan jangan lupa, aplikasi yang disediakan di Ovi Store itu gratis, meskipun ada juga sebagian yang trial sih.. Aplikasi yang paling saya suka dari sekian banyak aplikasi Ovi Store adalah YouTube dan qik, kenapa? karena dengan aplikasi YouTube yang di instal di HP milik saya, saya bisa mencari video kesukaan saya tanpa harus menghabiskan kuota yang banyak (irit). Sedangkan dengan aplikasi qik, saya bisa share video ke semua situs jejaring sosial secara cepat dan tidak boros kuota tentunya.

Cara instal aplikasi yang di sediakan Ovi Store sangat mudah sekali, cukup mengetikan link https://store.ovi.com di browser handphone Anda kemudian download aplikasinya lalu instal.

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