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deddynoer: BIZZ Broadband 3.5G

IM2 Broadband 3.5G with its wide coverage area gives you a comfortable internet connection up to 3.6Mbps to compliment your mobile lifestyle. Enjoy your internet experience using the easy to configure HSDPA Modem Router and you can share the connection to your friends or colleagues within your Local Area Network (LAN), either with cable or WiFi.

FREE HSDPA Wireless Access Terminal
You will get a HSDPA Wireless Access Terminal (WAT) Type ZTE MF608 for FREE during the subscription period.

FREE Email Account

As IM2 Prime BIZZ Package customer, you will get 3 (three) email address username@indosat.net.id with the following features:

  • Each mailbox capacity 100 MB
  • Anti SPAM & Anti virus email system
  • Email access via webmail and POP3

Multiple Access
IM2 Prime enables multiple access feature. By using the same user id and password, you can access internet at anytime and anywhere not only through Indosat HSDPA/UMTS and GPRS network, but also through the following connection:

  • All IM2 Hotspot
  • IM2 Dial-up
  • Internet over CDMA (Star-One & Fren)
  • International Hotspot Roaming

BIZZ Package

Monthly Fee*

Rp 999.000

Quota per Month

5 GB

Additional Charge

Rp 0.25,-/KB

Modem & Router Equipment


Minimum Contract Period

18 Months

*Subscription fee excluded 10% VAT


IM2 Broadband 3.5G Coverage Area:

Click here to view IM2 3.5G coverage interactive map (only in Jadetabek area). This interactive map is powered by Goggle Earth.

taken from : indosatm2.com