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deddynoer: IM2 IndosatNet Metro Internet

IM2 IndosatNet Metro Internet are service Broadband Internet and IP VPN 24 hours at POP Building location (Point of Presence) IM2 who plays along with IM2'S partner, where quality access will get more secure since most actually IM2'S network that is equal to. In store in various package, beginning from 256 kbps until 10 Mbps, so it gets to be adjusted by your requirement.

Metro Internet as solution in point for Triple Play's service (Voice, Video and Data) at the price that so competitive.

Metro Internet defined as bundling's Package local accesses and internet's port divides customer that its location lies deep building which most service by Ethernet Biznet's Metros at Jakarta city. And this package gives overbooking factor 1:2 for internet connection (INP) and 1:1 for IIX'S connection. This package also gives additional services as 4 line ports PSTN Phone (Indosat Phone)

With Metro Internet service, access that goes to international internet port will pass through Fiber Optic network with Sharing Bandwidth's conditions ratio 1: 2. Another criterion is access to go to Domestic Peering IIX (Indonesia Internet Xchange) with sharing bandwidth until with 1 Gbps and using Routing Protocol: Static Default Route (non BGP) follow to IM2

With Metro Internet Service , customer will get facilities such as 2 email address with Mailbox's capacity 100 Mb, QoS Availability, 5 (five) Effective IP Address, Router CPE (to manage QoS) and Gateway's Media (VoIP Gateway) with 4 port those are loaned / rent to customer, if customer wants to subscribe I Phone.

  • Access goes to international internet ports utilize Fiber Optic networks with Managed Aggregate Sharing Bandwidth's subscribes conditions with ratio 1: 2
  • Access goes to Domestic Peering IIX (Indonesia Internet Xchange) sharing bandwidth up to 1 Gbps.
  • Routing Protocol: Static Default Route (non BGP) following IM2

Metro Product facility Internet IM2 are:

  • Email address = get facility 2 (two) email address, capacity per mailbox 100 MB
  • QoS Avability utilizes 99,5%
  • IP Address = gets 5 effective IP Address
  • Router CPE (to manage QoS) and Gateway's Media (VoIP Gateway) with 4 port numbers are loaned / rents to customers, if customer wants to subscribe i. Phone (To t: for the present i. feature Phone was not ready to given to customer)
  • IIX sharing (outgrow Bandwidth depend on Last mile)
Peripheral that needs to be provided by customer are Gateway as Router or Proxy / Firewall, and LAN ( Local Area Network )

To subscribe, cost / Metro product rate Internet is as follows:

  • Installation charge = Rp. 5. 000. 000,-
  • Monthly patronized cost, as follows:


Rate (Rp)











54. 000. 000


98. 000. 000

Rate constitutes port rate + lastmile and not including VAT 10%

Cost / Last Mile's rate Metro Ethernet Biznet is as follows:

  • Installation charge = Rp. 3. 000. 000,-
  • Monthly patronized cost, as follows:


Rate Sells



2.750. 000



3.000. 000



4.000. 000



7.500. 000



10. 000. 000



15. 000. 000

Rate constitutes lastmile's rate and not including VAT 10%

Lastmile is Biznet's Metro, can be utilized for dedicated diamond's internet product, Emerald and Ruby and For IIX Only's service.

Coverage for IM2 POP Location, it can be seen on attachment